Thursday, December 9, 2010

Overview of Republic of China (Taiwan)

Republic of China (Taiwan)

Area: 36,000 km2
Population: 23 million
Language: Mandarin / Taiwanese / Hakka / Indigenous Languages
Religion: Buddhism / Taoism / Christianity / Islam

Taiwan, also known as Iiha Formosa, is shaped like a leaf that is narrow at both ends. The country lies off the south-eastern coast of mainland Asia, across the Taiwan Strait from Mainland China. Taiwan is perfect travel destination as many airlines fly into the country.

Taiwan has many majestic mountains, rolling hills, beautiful coastlines and many other natural wonders. This is caused by the continuous tectonic movements as the country is located on the edge of the “Pacific ring of fire”. There are 8 national parks and 13 national scenic areas to preserve Taiwan's best natural ecological environment and cultural sites, such as Taroka Gorge, Alishan, Yushan, Sun Moon Land and others.



Taiwan has a clear differentiation between the different seasons, given its tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate climates. There are about 18,400 species of wildlife on the island, with more than 20% being rare or endangered species, for example the Taiwan mountain goat, Formosan rock monkey and Formosan black bear.

Taiwan mountain goat

Formosan rock monkey

Formosan black bear


History of Taiwan

4000 BC – First arrival of ancestors of aborigines to Taiwan

239 AD – Expeditionary force from Chinese mainland explores Taiwan

600s – First minimal migration from Chinese mainland

Late 1200s – Mongols take control of Penghu

1517 – Portuguese vessels pass Taiwan, calling it Ilha Formosa (Beautiful island)

1624 – Dutch establish themselves in Tainan area

1626 – Spanish establish themselves in Tamsui area

1662 – Cheng Ch’eng –kung’s forces defeat the Dutch

1683 – Qing dynasty outs the family of Cheng, incorporating Taiwan into mainland Chinese administration

1683 to 1895 – Qing dynasty controls Taiwan as immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong come to greatly outnumber the aboriginal population

1895 to 1945 – Japanese greatly expand industrial and agriculture on Taiwan

1945 – Guomingdang takes control of Taiwan following end of World War 2

1947 – February 28th Incident

– Communists defeat Guominggdang in Chinese civil war.
– Great migration of mainlander to Taiwan

1949 to 1958 – Land reform and import substitution policy

1958 to 1968 – Export orientation precipitates industrial takeoff

1969 to 1982 – Taiwan acquired newly industrialised status

1983 to present – Changing to sophisticated technology and information-heavy exports

1988 to 1996 – Political liberalization

End of 20th century – Taiwanese society confronts crucial questions of political and social identity


Davison, G.M., Reed. B.E. (1998) Culture and Custom of Taiwan.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Introduction to Taiwan culture

Taiwan culture is one that is rich, diverse and vivid. With the long history, the culture for various ethnic groups that once populated Taiwan had developed into the different local customs and traditions along the way. Taiwan’s interactions with American, Spanish and Dutch culture have given the traditional Chinese culture a different boundary. Cultural remnants had been left behind from the past and could still be found around Taiwan, these include traditional architecture and relics of past civilizations. The richness of Taiwan's culture is also eminent in various art forms such as woodcarving and pottery. Dance and music, such as drums and simple wind instruments, are part of Taiwanese culture.

In the following blog post, I will discuss more Taiwan’s culture, in terms of music and dance.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Culture & Tradition – Dance

Taiwanese dance has a distinctive style. Traditional Taiwanese dance, often seen in rituals and folk celebrations, emphasize the movement of the bodies with foot movement, with exceptional of acrobatics movements. These movements are unlike those dance movement in Westerners ballets which focus on leaps and leg movement.

The lion and dragon dance are part of Taiwan culture and also other Chinese communities. These dances were traditionally meant to perform to bring rain and bless the community by chasing away plagues. However, nowadays, they are performed to bring good luck as well as bring the lively mood at festivals and celebration. The lion dance will need lesser dancers as compared to dragon dance. A lion dance will only need 2 dancers, one animating the head and front legs and the other animating the rear legs, thus creating the image of a dancing lion. As for dragon dance, the number of dancers needed is determined by the length of the dragon body. The first dancer will carry and dragon head while the last carry the tail.

Lion Dance

Dragon Dance

Similar to other Taiwanese culture, dance traditions have been greatly affected by Western culture. The original dance of Taiwan had been altered in the 20th century to modern dance. Many dancers study ballet and Western modern dance, but they go on to develop distinctively Taiwanese dance pieces that draw elements of their own culture in the context of a modern dance style (Davison, Reed, 1998). Modern dance in Taiwan had developed with the contributions of Liu Feng-hsueh, teacher of National Taiwan Normal University and Lin Hwai-min, founder of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre. The buoyant of the modern dance scene in Taiwan represents the dynamic elements of Taiwan culture.

The follow is a video by the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, titled Songs of Wanderers


Monday, December 6, 2010

Culture & Tradition – Music

Taiwan traditional music is brought down by the descendants of Taiwan from Mainland China. Wind and percussion ensembles have play an important role in Taiwan culture. They are usually present during temple festivals, weddings and even funerals. The ensembles give ritual occasions a sense of solemnity and importance (Davison, Reed, 1998).

Drum pavilion (or guting) is the loud musical ensemble. The drum pavilion will include a large gong, a double-headed drum, a pair of cymbals and one or more suona. The pavilion is seven-foot high and is carried on a cart or in the back of a truck. It is a tradition during temple festivals, the drum pavilion to lead the procession that mark the temple deity’s inspection of the area under his or her protection (Davison, Reed, 1998). During funerals, the sons are expected to hire the pavilion will accompany the deceased to the burial place.

Another ensemble is the bayin ensemble. It is equally important during Taiwanese rituals. During funeral, the daughter is expected to hire this ensemble to follow the drum pavilion in the procession. The ensemble compromised of at least the small-sized double-reeded pipe, small tongzhong gong and also double-stringed lute, cymbals and clappers.

The last folk ensemble will be the beiguan music, played by amateur musician. These amateur groups are often organized at the local temple to perform for the temple festival honouring the god’s or goddess’ birthday. At funerals, beiguan ensemble will represent the friends and associates of the deceased. This ensemble has at least 2 double-reeded pipes, a woodblock, a big gong, a small gong, a single-headed drum, a double-headed drum and a pair of large and small cymbals.

Chinese percussive woodblocks

Chinese clash cymbals

The suona

Other than ensembles, there is also other form of music in Taiwan. Liam kua is a storytelling musical performance half spoken and half sung with simple instrumental accompaniment. It is an individual performance, where the performer will plays an instrument and narrate the story which in-corporate with singing.

Since the 21st century, ethnic groups in Taiwan have slowly developed cultural self-awareness. Together with the rise of Mandarin Pop, more and more Hakka and indigenous songwriters are producing songs sung in their mother tongues or mandarin. Musical styles in Taiwan show a mixture of their local ethnic elements as well as musical elements from other countries, such as jazz. Taiwanese pop music thus starts to gain its popularity around Asia in the 2000’s, with many Taiwanese composers and performers, such as A-mei and Jay Chou.

This is a song from Taiwanese singer Amei Zhang Hui Mei - Ting Hai (听海):


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Indigenous groups of Taiwan

The indigenous peoples in Taiwan refer to the inhabitants who had been living on the islands before major Han Chinese immigration began in the 17th century. These people belong to the Austronesian group. These people covers majority in Southeast Asia, originates from Taiwan in the north, extends to Easter Islands in South America in the east, and reaches Madagascar in the eastern coast of Africa in the west. The customs of Taiwan indigenous people are building elevated houses to protect against damp, insects, and snakes; keen on chewing betel nuts, good at bamboo and rattan weaving, which are also the characteristics of other Austronesian groups. There are a total of 14 indigenous groups in Taiwan that is officially recognized.

A video on the indigenous group of Taiwan:


Amis is the largest Taiwan’s indigenous groups, with a population of more than 178,000. They mainly reside in the eastern valleys and coastal areas. The group is well known for their lively singing and dancing celebration of the llisin harvest festival,

The Amis is variously classified, depending on their location, as the Nanshi, Xiuguluan, Coastal, Taitung, or Hengchun tribe. These subgroups have slightly different dialects, customs, and styles of dress. They all have a matrilineal clan structure and system of inheritance.


The Atayal group resides in the northern part of Taiwan, and has a population of more than 81,000. They observe the gaga ancestral instruction system, which is their code of conduct and beliefs. The group has a tradition of face tattooing during their coming-of-age ceremonies. The Atayal are famous for their weaving of colorful, intricately patterned fabrics, and a woman’s skills in this area can determine her social status. Male members of the Atayal inherit their father’s first name as their last name.


The Bunun has a population of 50,000 and they stay in the central and south-eastern mountainous regions of Taiwan. They practice shifting cultivation and also hunting. During the harvest season, the millet ceremony will be held. Other major ceremonies include the ear-shooting ceremony, a ritual in which arrows are shot at animals’ ears in the belief that this will ensure success in hunting. The Bunun are also particularly noted for their pasibutbut polyharmonic choral singing of prayers.


The Kavalan group lives in Taiwan’s eastern part, with a population around 1,200. They are one of the region’s original pingpu (plains) groups who migrated to the plains in Hualien and Taitung counties. Traditional Kavalan ceremonies have also been influenced by the Amis, who lives nearby. The group’s distinctive language, myths, and shamanist practices remain despite this cultural confluence. Clan chiefs are chosen by election, who can be either male or female


With a population of about 86,000, the Paiwan group can be split into the Ravar and the Butsul tribes. They stay in the southern Central Mountain Range, Hengchun Peninsula and the south-eastern coastal region. They are popular for their glazed beads, skill in carving wood and stone, and use of hundred-pace snake totems as decorative motifs. Once every five years, the Maleveq ceremony is held. It is believed that their ancestral spirits descend from Dawu Mountain to commune with their descendants. In the past, Paiwan society was organized in three classes namely, nobility, warriors, and commoners. Commoners plow the land and could move up to the warrior class, while the nobility were free to engage in leisurely activities such as sculpture.


Pinuyumayan, with a population of 11,400, mainly live in the Taitung County. Two subgroups with differing dialects and customs are the Zhiben and the Nanwang. In pre-modern times, Pinuyumayan men were known for their martial skill and their boldness. Traditional shamanistic religious practices survive among the Pinuyumayan. A major role of the shaman is to interpret omens.


The Rukai, with a population of 11,700 is distributed across Pingtung, Kaohsiung, and Taitung counties. Traditionally, they had a hierarchy of nobility and commoners. As part of their harvest ceremony in August, Rukai men bake millet dough on heated stone slabs and divine the harvest in the coming year based on the appearance of the millet cakes.


The Saisiyat with a number of 5,700 are renowned for their Pastaai ceremony, conducted to commemorate the spirits of a short-statured and darker-skinned people who believed to be the earliest inhabitants of Taiwan and passed down many of their skills to the Saisiyat.

According to legend, men among the Short People sexually harassed Saisiyat women, causing the Saisiyat men to kill virtually all of them, out of jealousy. Once every 2 years, ritual chanting and dancing are performed consecutively for four nights in communities in north-western Taiwan’s Miaoli and Hsinchu state to appease the spirits of the Short People.


The Sakizaya has a small population of around 350 and they reside mainly in Hualien. Due to their long close interaction with the Amis, their customs and attire have become essentially identical to those of the Amis, and intermarriage between the two groups is common. Surprisingly, they have been able to preserve their unique language.

Sediq (Seediq/Seejiq)

The Sediq group has a population of between 6,000 and 7,000. They are closely related to the Atayal in terms of language, customs, and religious observances. Similar to the Atayal, they are famous for the intricacy of their weaving and embroidery, traditionally using ramie fiber, with a preference for traditional star-like and other geometric patterns against a white background. Sediq communities observed a Waya code of conduct, which included rules for every aspect of life.


The Thao have a population around 600. They use to inhabit on Lalu Island in the middle of Sun Moon Lake but later moved to the lake’s edge and practiced “floating island” farming, whereby crops are planted on soil-bearing bamboo rafts on the lake. The Thao’s language and culture has been strongly influenced by their Atayal and Bunun neighbours.


The Truku has a population of about 25,000. They reside on the eastern coast in the Hualien and the mountainous region of Nantou. The Hualie’s famous Taroko Gorge is named after the Truku. They are closely related to the Atayal and Sediq in terms of language and customs. As in these two groups, Truku women in the past were seen to have facial tattoos. The Truku traditionally favoured white clothing with embroidered trim.


The Tsou with a population of about 6,600 and once lived around Jade Mountain, are divided into northern and southern subgroups, varying in their dialect and customs. Their unique cultural features include the Homeyayaharvest ceremony and a taboo against hunting bears. The southern Tsou believe that their ancestral spirits reside in special mother-of-pearl beads. The beads are only taken out only when conducting religious ceremonies.


The Yami people, numbering around 3500, inhabit on Orchid Island off Taiwan’s south-eastern coast. They have developed a culture based on fishing at sea, unique among the indigenous peoples of Taiwan. A newly built boat with decorative carvings is launched with major celebration to bless the boat. A focus of Yami culture is the flying fish, which migrates annually through the waters off eastern Taiwan, which the Yami depend upon for survival. Religious ceremonies are conducted during which prayers are chant for an abundance of flying fish. Traditionally, the Yami live in houses of stone and wood built on “shelves” cut out of stony hillsides, a practice that helps maintain coolness in summer and retain warmth in winter. A unique tradition of the Yami is the women’s hair-swinging dance

A video about the verge of losing indigenous groups in Taiwan:


Saturday, December 4, 2010


The official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese, also known in Taiwan as guo yu(national language).(Bates, Bates, 2008.) This is a tonal language, which means the pronunciation of each word carry a tone. The change in tone will also bring a change in the meaning of the word. There are 4 tones, namely high and even tone, rising tone, dipping tone, falling tone, and a clear (unstressed) tone.

Taiwanese, also known in Taiwan as tai yu, Fujian hua or Minnan hua, is a popular language that is widely spoken between the majority of the people of Taiwan. However, this people are able to maintain their fluency in Mandarin while using Taiwanese dialect. As the ancestors of Taiwan are mostly from the south of the Min River in the province of Fujian, thus they brought their dialects into Taiwan. The dialect is rich in tone and complex in pronunciation. There are 6 changeable tones in Taiwanese. A tone may change whether it is at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a sentence. (Bates, Bates, 2008.) A point to note is that Taiwanese spoken in different part of the country varies, but to the dialect groups, it is not difficult for them to communicate with each others.

There are also many other languages spoken in Taiwan. The Hakka people and aborigines have also preserved their own languages. Many elderly people can also speak some Japanese, as they were subjected to Japanese education during the Japanese occupation years. The most popular foreign language in Taiwan is English, which is part of the regular school curriculum.


  • Welcome to Taiwan, Discover Taiwan, People. Retrieved on 7 December, 2010 from
  • Bates, C., Bates, L.L., (2008) CultureShock! A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette, Taiwan, pp 206, 208-209.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Education System

Taiwan educational system supports 22 years of formal study. The timetable is flexible, depending upon the needs of the students. On average, the entire process includes 2 years of preschool education, 6 years of primary school, 3 years of junior high school, 3 years of senior secondary school, 4-7 years of college or university, 1-4 years of a master's degree programme and 2-7 years of a doctoral degree programme.

Compulsory Education

A trial ten-year compulsory education programme nationwide has been implemented by the education ministry. This programme was designed to integrate junior high school and senior vocational school curricula.

Senior High and Senior Vocational Education

There are two types of institution comes after the junior high school level. These are senior high school and senior vocational school, both of which take three years to complete.

Junior College Education

Junior colleges fall into two categories: the five-year junior college and the two-year junior college, each having a different set of admission requirements. Five-year junior colleges admit junior high school graduates. Two-year junior colleges admit senior vocational high school graduates.

Normal Education and Training Programmes

In Taiwan, teacher training programmes are available at higher education level and usually last four years. Those programmes fall into two categories: (1) programmes for training teachers of secondary education; and (2) programmes for training teachers of primary schools and kindergartens.

University Education

University undergraduate programmes require four years of study. Specialised undergraduate programmes such as dentistry or medicine require six to seven years, including an internship period of one year.

Graduate Education

Graduate programmes offer a master degree, which require 1 to 4 years of study, or doctoral degree, which requite 2 to 7 years.

Special Education

Only designated schools are allowed to admit students who are mentally or physically challenged. Special classes are offered by regular education institutions, including primary, junior and senior secondary schools.

Supplementary Education

Supplementary education provides citizens with an alternative way to achieve their educational goals. Based on the curriculum provided, it is classified into three main categories: basic education; advanced education; and short-term supplementary education. The study periods vary according to their curriculum design.

The education Taiwan has high standard, emphasize on good teacher-student relationship, and exam driven. The students are attentive in lesson and take down notes when the teacher teaches. This system is not designed to produce highly creative, original, free-thinkng students, but it produces students who have a large body of knowledge in history, geography, math, and science.(Davison, Reed, 1998) After-hours and night school are roll out for students. During these programmes, students will be given more information for acquisition and review, preparing them to perform their fullest potential during entrance exams. The education system in Taiwan is well planned and comprehensive for the people, but at the same time, it also increases the stress level of a Taiwanese child and competition between each other.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Types of leisure programmes


  • Beigang Matsu Festival

It is held once a year on the goddess Matsu’s Birthday in April/May of the lunar calendar at her principle temple in Beigang. Devotees from all over the island will bear their local gods on palanquins(enclose litters borne on the shoulders) as spiritual ambassadors to participate in the celebration of the birthday of their liege (Bates, Bates, 2008.). Firecrackers are set off to scare off the evil spirits and when night falls, dangki (trance mediums) will go into trances and flagellate themselves with swords and nail-encrusted wooden rods.

Confucius birthday

On 28 September, festivals will be held to celebrate Confucius’ birthday. At Confucian temples, special and solemn rites are held in traditional costume and with traditional music.

  • Lantern Festivals

This festivals is celebrate on the 15th day on the first lunar month to mark the ending of the Chinese New Year. Youngsters will carry lanterns, either traditional ones or battery-operated one, and walk around with it. Traditional lantern contests are still held in temples such as the Guandu Temple.


  • Hot spring

As Taiwan is situated along the Pacific Ring of Fire, more than 100 hot springs have been found in the country. Taiwan’s hot spring has been famous for a century and one could find such in resorts and traditional hillside bathhouses. These hot spring are located in different geographical areas such as mountains and plains. The highest concentration of hot springs can be found in northern Taiwan, where the Tatun Volcano is located, while along both sides of the central mountain range, covering an area that to the north is bordered by Yilan and to the south by Pingtung, the largest number of hot springs can be found. The hot springs in Taiwan are located in fantastic scenic areas, thus one can get relief stress from the hectic busy city life and also enjoy the magnificent scenery. It is also a perfect destination for tourists.
Further reading : Hot Springs in Taiwan

  • Cinemas

Movies theatres are found all over the country. Xi Men Ding, the time square of Taipei, there are over 10 theatres clustered in that area. This shows how popular movies are in Taiwan. Warner Bros has also recently built a new complex beside Taipei 101 called Warner Village where youngster would gather there for the latest movies. Modern theatres nowadays will have online booking systems, but older theatre still practise the older ticket selling system. Movie tickets are only allow to purchase an hour before the movie starts and a person could only buy a maximum number of tickets. The seats in the cinema are also divided left and right into odd and even numbers. Commercial and movie previews are screen before the movie starts. Most importantly, smoking is prohibited in the theatres.

  • KTV

KTV stands for Karaoke Television, it is a sing-along system. KTV shops could be easily found along the street of Taiwan. One can book a private room, order songs to sing out loud in a soundproof room while eating snacks. They lyrics will appear on the screen, along with a video to go with the music.(Bates, Bates, 2008.). In the system, there will be usually English, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese song for one to choose.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Uniqueness of Taiwan

Taiwan is known for its towering mountains. There are many mountains on the island that is over 3,000 meters. Yushan, Northeast Asia’s tallest mountain, is close to 4,000 meters is found in Taiwan too. The flora and fauna on the mountain changes as the climate changes from sub-tropical to alpine as it gets higher in the mountain. The mountain is also the home for Taiwan indigenous animals. Other than Yushan, other mountains include Alishan and Yangmingshan. Ali Shan is famous for its Alishan Forest Railway while Yangmingshan is popular for its hot springs and geothermal phenomenon.

Taiwan is also known for its shopping. It ranges from street side store to high-end shopping district. Night markets are a must-visit in Taiwan. Such open air market will have many vendors setting up their stores selling almost anything. In every city, there would sure to be at least one night market. One of the popular night markets would be Shilin night market in Shilin district, Taipei. If one does not enjoy squeezing between the crowd in night market, Taiwan also have many shopping malls around, such as Taipei 101 Mall which focuses on high-end products.

A video on Taiwan's Night Market:


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Disneyization - Case Study of Taiwan

Disneyization refers to the spread of principles exemplified by the Disney theme parks.(Bryman, A.,2004) It is seen as a globalisation force that spread throughout the world. The 4 dimensions of Disneyization are theming, hybrid consumption, merchandising and performative labour.

I will draw case study from Taipei Zoo located in Taiwan to explain the theory Disneyization.


Theming is the prominent dimension in Disneyization. It refers to the application of a narrative to institutions or locations it is applied, or simply put, giving meaning and symbolism to the object to which it is applies, thus making it more attractive and interesting. In other words, theming will offer opportunity to be entertained and to enjoy novel experiences.(Bryman, A.,2004)

In Taipei Zoo, the park is categorised according to the animals. A specific theme is then giving to give meaning to the group of animals in that area. For example, in the Asian Tropical Rainforest, animals such as Orangutans, Bengal Tigers and Asiatic Elephants could be found there. With such theme zones, visitors could easily know where these animals could be found in the world. However, in order to provide such themed experience the zoo will have to put in huge amount of investment in designing the theme zone to ensure that the man-made landscape would be as close as to the original as possible.

Hybrid Consumption

With more consumption available, the longer the people will stay in a venue. This is what hybrid consumption is about. The dimension refers to the merging of different orders of consumption, so as to fulfil as many needs of visitors to give them reasons to visits and stay longer in the venue.

Hybrid consumption could also be seen in Taipei Zoo. Other than the animals as the attractions of the zoo, Taipei Zoo also has food and beverages outlets for visitors to fill their stomach. This helps to meet the needs for basic needs of visitors, under the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. In addition, the children zoo would fulfil the needs of a location that is suitable for the whole family. The children will be thrill to have the interaction with the animals there, thus would spend more time playing.


Merchandising refers to the promotion of goods in the form of or bearing copyright images and logos, including such products made under license. (book) Merchandising is to hitch on well-known images to create additional uses and value of the product.

Taipei Zoo has its own souvenir shop located at various part of the zoo to sell its own merchandise. On these merchandise, the logo of Taipei Zoo will be printed on it. Visitors will tend to buy such merchandise with logos as a memento that they had visited the place. In additional, as the Taipei has a special exhibition on Pandas lent by the China government, the merchandise relating with these 2 pandas have also become hot selling items.

Performative labour

This dimension refers to the viewing of frontline service staff as a performer. The main aspect for performative labour is emotional labour, which refers to workers conveying emotions as part of their work roles.

In Taipei Zoo, the staff of the zoo will have to put on a smile on their face regardless of their mood of the day so as to provide good customer service for the visitors. They are also considered as part of the zoo experience of the visitors. Imagine stepping into a zoo and was entertainment by a bad tempered staff, it will surely decrease the enjoyment of the whole zoo trip.


Effect of Tourism

Cultural changes

The positive impact tourism had brought for Taiwan in term of culture is that the government has put in effort to preserve the rich culture of Taiwan indigenous group. They had set up tourists attractions such as the Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Park and Formasa Aboriginal Cultural Village. These 2 attractions showcase the lifestyle and spirits of the indigenous group in Taiwan. Cultural performances are also put up for the tourists. This helps to ensure that the culture of these groups of people will not be forgotten and also ensure that tourists do not venture into the area of indigenous group and disrupt their lives.

However, by showcasing the unique culture of these groups of people would also means that cultural significance of the indigenous group would be lost. The culture had now been commoditised into goods for tourists to buy.

Society change

Taiwan is known to be a manufacturing country with many companies base their production plant there, such as the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, which is one of the main income generators for the country revenue. However, with the increase in tourism in Taiwan, it will boost the service industry, and turning it to also be one of the major generators for Taiwan economy. The industry thus will create more job opportunities in the country for the people, thus reducing the unemployment rate in the society.

Economic changes

With the growth of tourism in Taiwan, the country is earning more money from the tourism receipts. According to the tourism bureau of Taiwan, statistics shows that the tourism receipts had increase gradually through the years, the tourism receipt in 2006 is US$5.1M, 2007 is US$5.2M and by 2008, tourism receipts has break the record of all time, $5.9M. With the increase in revenue of the country through tourism, money earned could have been used to help in preserving the culture and heritage of Taiwan.Money earn would also improve the infrastructure of the country to accommodate more tourists. The government is opening up more roads within the mountainous area which benefit locals and tourist which shortened their time for travelling.

Environmental changes

The government had mark out various natural areas and make it a national park, such as Yangmingshan National Park and Taroka National Park. This helps to preserve the natural environment of the place. Specific routes would have mark out for tourists to travel along, thus they would not venture into the forest and affect the flora and fauna in there. Visitors centres are also set up to introduce the place tourists and also educate them to be responsible visitors on the national park.

However, the irony within the national park is that accommodations were built for tourists to stay in. For example, Xongxue Lodge in Taroka National Park is located at an altitude of over 3000m. This would affect the nature of the place with people moving in and out more frequently. The animals’ habits will be affects and tree would have been chopped in the process. I feel that, in the eye of the developer and government, the temptation of earning more tourism receipts is still far more important and conserving the environment.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Has tourism commoditise cultures and traditions of Taiwan?

In my personal opinion, I feel that tourism had commodified the cultures and traditions of Taiwan to a certain extent. An important part of Taiwan’s culture would be the indigenous groups. Due to tourism, the government had set up theme parks that portray the culture and tourists would need to pay in order to enter these attractions. Culture had been commoditised in this sense as it is sold as a product in terms of experience to the tourists. In additional, within these parks, merchandise that resembles the traditional handcrafts of the groups would also be produce to sell as souvenirs to the tourist. Traditional culture has thus been commercialised and mass sell to the market.

The various festivals in Taiwan have also been commodified to attract more tourists to visit the country. Festivals had been elaborated to entice tourists to visit. For example, the Lantern festivals, people would celebrate it by just carrying lantern to walk around. However, the tourism bureau of Taiwan had started to organise the Taiwan Lantern Festivals somewhat 20 years ago with the display of large high-technology theme lantern and traditional performances will also be put together to create a livelier festivals mood. From a traditionally small scale event had now become a large and lavish celebration, it proved that to earn the dollar from tourists, culture and traditions of Taiwan had changed and commodified.